8 top tips for ensuring you have good

GUIDE Water Tanks and Travel – Part 2

2. Filter water going into your tanks 
If you’re going to go to the trouble of filling your water tanks, you may as well ensure the water in there is as clean and pure as possible. There are many different types of water filters available on the market that are suitable for RV use. We use a large twin filter that incorporates a sediment filter to remove dirt and other particles, and an activated charcoal filter to remove any organic compounds and chlorine from the water.

ABOVE These dual water filters are extremely effective

3. Use the correct hose
Never fill your water tanks using a common garden hose as the plastic used in these will impart an unpleasant odour and taste to the water as it passes through it. Use only food grade hoses. They are usually blue in colour however, before you purchase a new hose, check the packaging to confirm it is suitable for drinking water.

1. Cycle the water in your tanks regularly
If you leave water in your tanks too long, there’s a chance bacteria and algae could develop, fouling the water. Either use the water in your tanks regularly or empty them periodically to ensure the water in them is fresh and drinkable. Run water through all the taps often to ensure no stagnant water sits in the plumbing. Change the water filter on your drinking water tap at least as often as recommended by the manufacturer.

Accessing your vehicle is as easy as one step up


BELOW Many caravan parks are located in drought-affected areas. Never assume you can just fill your water tanks. Always ask first

5. Filling up at caravan parks 
The situation for many caravan parks may well be worse the further away from a major town they are. Some are not even connected to town water supplies and have to find their own water either from bores or other natural water sources. Some will have to purify their own water supply by running expensive reverse osmoses filtration systems.

Many caravan parks have a mix of potable and non-potable sources of water distributed throughout the park. Always ask the manager before filling up your water tanks at a caravan park.

4. Keep your tanks clean
No matter how careful you are with the quality of water you put into your tanks, it is possible for the tanks to develop an unpleasant taste. There are many products available that are designed to clean water tanks however, a popular remedy is to pour lime cordial into the tanks and drive the caravan around a bit to stir the liquid inside the tanks. Fill the tanks with water and drain. Refill with clean water and drain again. Do this as often as is necessary to remove any trace of the cordial taste in the water.

6. Water and the drought 
With so much of the country in drought, you can’t assume it’s okay to fill your water tanks from anywhere you find a tap. Many towns are literally running out of water or are under severe water restrictions. Before you fill up it pays to ask first.

ABOVE Always observe any restrictions on public water points

“If you’re going to go to the trouble of filling your water tanks, you may as well ensure the water in there is as clean and pure as possible”

7. Filling stations 
There are an increasing number of water filling stations popping up across the country that can service caravanners travelling through their towns. If you must travel with your water tanks full, look out for these filling stations and use them. You’ll be doing drought affected communities a big favour.

ABOVE With so much of the country in drought you can expect to see more of these

8. Don’t ignore your basic water requirements
If you’re travelling through remote areas always remember water is essential for sustaining life. Human beings need to consume a certain amount of water per day in order to avoid dehydration as well as a host of other health problems. This amount of water increases when the weather is hot or if we are not 100 percent healthy. It is generally accepted that under normal circumstances, a healthy adult needs to consume 2-3 litres of water every day.

In the extreme environment of the outback where temperatures can reach in excess of 35 degrees Celsius for days on end, the body’s need for water increases dramatically. If you are physically active in these sorts of temperatures, your body can lose up to 2.5 litres of sweat per hour. In such extreme cases, we need to replace those lost fluids very quickly otherwise we will suffer the effects of dehydration.

BELOW Much of inland Australia is bone dry

GUIDE Water Tanks and Travel – Part 2


8 top tips for ensuring you have good

1. Cycle the water in your tanks regularly
If you leave water in your tanks too long, there’s a chance bacteria and algae could develop, fouling the water. Either use the water in your tanks regularly or empty them periodically to ensure the water in them is fresh and drinkable. Run water through all the taps often to ensure no stagnant water sits in the plumbing. Change the water filter on your drinking water tap at least as often as recommended by the manufacturer.

2. Filter water going into your tanks 
If you’re going to go to the trouble of filling your water tanks, you may as well ensure the water in there is as clean and pure as possible. There are many different types of water filters available on the market that are suitable for RV use. We use a large twin filter that incorporates a sediment filter to remove dirt and other particles, and an activated charcoal filter to remove any organic compounds and chlorine from the water.

ABOVE These dual water filters are extremely effective

3. Use the correct hose
Never fill your water tanks using a common garden hose as the plastic used in these will impart an unpleasant odour and taste to the water as it passes through it. Use only food grade hoses. They are usually blue in colour however, before you purchase a new hose, check the packaging to confirm it is suitable for drinking water.

Accessing your vehicle is as easy as one step up


4. Keep your tanks clean
No matter how careful you are with the quality of water you put into your tanks, it is possible for the tanks to develop an unpleasant taste. There are many products available that are designed to clean water tanks however, a popular remedy is to pour lime cordial into the tanks and drive the caravan around a bit to stir the liquid inside the tanks. Fill the tanks with water and drain. Refill with clean water and drain again. Do this as often as is necessary to remove any trace of the cordial taste in the water.

ABOVE Always observe any restrictions on public water points

6. Water and the drought 
With so much of the country in drought, you can’t assume it’s okay to fill your water tanks from anywhere you find a tap. Many towns are literally running out of water or are under severe water restrictions. Before you fill up it pays to ask first.

BELOW Many caravan parks are located in drought-affected areas. Never assume you can just fill your water tanks. Always ask first

5. Filling up at caravan parks 
The situation for many caravan parks may well be worse the further away from a major town they are. Some are not even connected to town water supplies and have to find their own water either from bores or other natural water sources. Some will have to purify their own water supply by running expensive reverse osmoses filtration systems.

Many caravan parks have a mix of potable and non-potable sources of water distributed throughout the park. Always ask the manager before filling up your water tanks at a caravan park.

“If you’re going to go to the trouble of filling your water tanks, you may as well ensure the water in there is as clean and pure as possible”


ABOVE With so much of the country in drought you can expect to see more of these

7. Filling stations 
There are an increasing number of water filling stations popping up across the country that can service caravanners travelling through their towns. If you must travel with your water tanks full, look out for these filling stations and use them. You’ll be doing drought affected communities a big favour.

8. Don’t ignore your basic water requirements
If you’re travelling through remote areas always remember water is essential for sustaining life. Human beings need to consume a certain amount of water per day in order to avoid dehydration as well as a host of other health problems. This amount of water increases when the weather is hot or if we are not 100 percent healthy. It is generally accepted that under normal circumstances, a healthy adult needs to consume 2-3 litres of water every day.

In the extreme environment of the outback where temperatures can reach in excess of 35 degrees Celsius for days on end, the body’s need for water increases dramatically. If you are physically active in these sorts of temperatures, your body can lose up to 2.5 litres of sweat per hour. In such extreme cases, we need to replace those lost fluids very quickly otherwise we will suffer the effects of dehydration.

BELOW Much of inland Australia is bone dry

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